Sunday, November 9, 2008

]College Second Life project extended

Evening News 24 - College Second Life project extended: "College Second Life project extended

Second Life - City College computer project. Evening News reporter Tracey Gray with her virtual self.
Second Life - City College computer project. Evening News reporter Tracey Gray with her virtual self.
07 November 2008 07:00

It's an internet phenomenon in which millions of people lose themselves in a fantasy world, but education bosses in Norwich hope it could be a place where people log-on to learn.

City College Norwich has been using the cyber community site Second Life since September for training purposes and to advertise vacancies, and is now set to expand its use by students.

A virtual City College has now been created in Second Life, which is an online virtual world where people can create an animated alter ego - known as an avatar - to wander around a huge computer generated world.

Harry Greiner, head of new media at the college, has spent more than 150 hours building and creating different venues including a concert stage, a café bar and an art gallery, ready for students to start using.

It is planned that students from the new construction diploma course will use the site, possibly to build their own creations, alongside creative arts students, who will be able to model their own fashion designs on a catwalk especially built on the island. The college is also hoping autism students can use the site.

Mr Greiner said: “When students start on this, a whole world opens up to them. It will give the chance for 14-year-olds studying construction, who would not normally be allowed on a building site because of their age, the chance to get hands-on and start building things themselves online. They will still have to calculate all the maths and dimensions to make sure everything is correct, it will be an excellent learning resource.”

It is hoped that eventually all students will be able to use the programme. At the moment the college island is open to anyone from outside the college to access it, but Mr Greiner says they may consider making it a closed site in the future, and added that all people coming onto the island are vetted by the college.

He said: “The site will also enable students who are studying different subjects to come together and work on projects via Second Life, we could have fashion students displaying their work and organising a show while textile students are creating the clothes online, the possibilities are endless really. This is going to be a real tool for us in opening up learning for students.”

Interest in Second Life has snowballed since it was set up in 2006.

In January 2007, Edinburgh University announced they were buying an island so students can have tutorials on the pretend beach.

The Second Life idea was started by Linden Labs and gained international status at the end of 2006.

Wannabe members are invited to join what they call the in-world.

If you want to buy land or develop an area to call your own then you have to exchange pounds for Linden dollars and start investing Playboy have opened a bunny-shaped island and there has been the first gay pride event online.

In August 2006 Suzanne Vega became the first avatar singer to perform in Second Life.

British police also posted missing Madeleine McCann posters on the virtual buildings.

Do you have a schools story? If so contact Education Reporter Tracey Gray on 01603 772418 or email

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Will Second Life Transform the Way We Do Business?

By Lynda LarsenSpecial to The Epoch Times Sep 4, 2008

ATLANTA—Your profile is not on Facebook, MySpace or LinkedIn? You don’t subscribe to Twitter? Not a member of Ning? New Web 2.0 social networking applications, the interactive communication devices based on internet technology, appear weekly. Why should you be interested? Just because Wolf Blitzer on CNN has his own blog, and interactivity through blogging, voting or texting is now mainstream? If media adoption of Web 2.0 applications isn’t convincing, then maybe predictions of the future prospects of 3-D will do the job.Intel spokesman Bill Calder was quoted in the Atlanta Journal Constitution as saying the 3-D computing is “an area that’s going to explode” due to intense consumer demand for high definition movies, gaming and digital photography. 3-D is where the creative edge of computer programming lies.Second Life is a 3-D game that has taken social networking to the next level. Wagner James Au, freelancer and (formerly) embedded reporter in Second Life, is quoted as saying in his book blurb that many believe that user-created worlds like Second Life will become the framework for a revolution in the way we shop, work and interact. In addition, the technology analyst firm, Gartner Inc., has projected that 80 percent of all active Internet users will be involved in virtual worlds by 2011, according to their website.Second Life is unique in that it is entirely built and owned by its residents. As of June 2008, according to the Alliance Trends Report, SL had over 12 million avatars or residents from around the world. The users of Second Life have created their own social scene, clothing stores, buildings and classes using currency called Lindens.I’m a member of the Special Libraries Association Working Group in Second Life where I’m still considered a Newbie. My SL birth date is July 1, 2008. On July 31st, I attended my first professional meeting in Second Life where we discussed what we as professional librarians want to do “in world.” We asked, “What does our profession have to offer” in this electronic world of beautiful scenery, people and imagination? We may have to rethink what our profession does and how we do it.Using search techniques I already knew as professional researcher, I quickly learned to check the “Events” tab, selecting education as my topic area, to find interesting places to explore in Second Life. Classes and discussion groups are popular in-world. The classes teach how to alter your avatar’s appearance, how to build structures, how to buy land. Alternatively, you can search ads and find someone to build for you.The most obvious content rich applications of Second Life are likely to be in education, training and recruiting. Universities are already a major presence in Second Life.Large corporations such as IBM have set up virtual office space for meetings, conferences and training. The technology in Second Life for meetings will only get better, my British IBM tour guide advised me. IBM uses their space for new employee orientations, training and staff meetings according to Lee Fox on Fox says that IBM finds this virtual environment far superior to teleconferencing or web conferencing. Recruiting is the third promising application of the Second Life environment. A recent CPA Daily article describes how firms like Ernst & Young are increasingly using social networks to find job prospects. The article suggests testing how an applicant would handle a real situation through observing his interactions in Second Life. In his 2006 book, The Making of Second Life, Wagner James Au estimated that the economy in-world averages more than $1,000,000 in transactions every day. Corporations and other organizations are betting their money that Second Life and other virtual worlds have a future in the real world.

The Ethics of a Sex Life in Your Second Life

September 05, 2008 8:57 AM
by Rachel Balik
Second Life entrepreneur Kevin Alderman installs a technology that lets avatars have intercourse, and it may be altering the course of fidelity.

Get ‘Physically’ Intimate in the Virtual World
Like a growing number of Internet users, Kevin Alderman was eager to jump on the Second Life bandwagon. Second Life is a computer game that allows users to design avatars and operate in a fully elaborated virtual world. It enabled users to do most real-life activities, but Alderman noticed that it prevented users from touching. He founded the company Eros LLC and developed the SexGen software for Second Life. Now, avatars can engage in a variety of sexual positions and activities with other avatars. Since each avatar represents a real human being, the software adds a new dimension to user relationships on Second Life, reports The Guardian.

Alderman’s avatar, Stroker Serpentine, is currently in a loving and “physically” intimate relationship with an avatar named Fyre Rain. The woman behind Fyre Rain lives a thousand miles from Alderman and has a family, as does Alderman. However, his wife Debbie is fully aware of the relationship, and remains unperturbed. She argues, “He might be physical with himself, but he’s not actually physical with her, and that doesn't bother me. It’s a role, a fantasy, a character.”
Background: Second Life encroaches on real life for many

While Debbie may claim that her husband’s Second Life infidelities don’t affect their marriage, the evidence suggests otherwise. Studies have been conducted suggesting that people’s self-perception in their Second Life actually bleeds into their actual life. “When we cloak ourselves in avatars, it subtly alters the manner in which we behave,” Jeremy Bailenson of Stanford told Time magazine. “It’s about self-perception and self-confidence.” Bailenson, who conducts research on Second Life, also suggested that 90 seconds of avatar conversation could alter real-life behavior. That raises some questions about what a Second Life sexual encounter could do. Researcher Nick Yee found that people who watched their avatars exercise were more likely to exercise themselves in the following 24 hours. Sex and exercise are both representational physical behaviors. If one virtual behavior influences real-life inclinations, the other might do so as well.

Actions on Second Life also have clear financial and legal implications. Alderman’s company, Eros LLC, holds the patent rights for the SexGen bed, a virtual bed containing animations of 150 sex positions. A SexGen bed costs approximately $45. When another Second Life user copied the bed and started selling it for less than Eros LLC, Alderman filed a suit against the user for copyright infringement in a Tampa court.

He won his lawsuit, and 19-year-old Robert Leatherwood was ordered to stop selling his copies. An article in the Albuquerque Journal suggests that this is only the tip of the iceberg, and that virtual environments can provide a fertile ground for real-life crime.

Related Topic: Sex addiction and the Internet
When David Duchovny entered treatment for sex addiction in August 2008, it brought new attention to the disease. The Internet seems to enable the condition. “The Internet has provided a level of access (to pornography) that was previously unavailable. So many people have this problem and the Internet has driven that,” Rob Weiss, executive director of the Sexual Recovery Institute in Los Angeles told Reuters.

Reference: More about Second Life
BusinessWeek takes a trip through Second Life’s flourishing fantasy world. The article chronicles all the pretend banality of a virtual rookie’s (mis)adventures, from finding a home to buying clothes and going to bars.
Source: BusinessWeek

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Realizing the Potential of Virtual Worlds: Why and How to Support OpenSim

Posted from
Crossing Digital Divides - Virtual Realities in “World 2.0″
Are you one of those people who need something more to get you excited about the future of virtual worlds than, “I am in ur browser, chatting in 3D?”

Well, perhaps, it is time for you to take a close look at the burgeoning open source ecosystem surrounding OpenSIm.

Jonas Karlsson, Xerox, (avatar Poinky Malaprop) wrote an excellent post (I quote his great title above!) explaining why he is not turned on by the big bubble of browser based worlds that have sprung up recently - Vivaty, Lively, JustLeapIn, ExitReality, WebFlock and more

This flood of browser based worlds into the virtual world scene has caused many commentators in the field to articulate clearly what is important about virtual worlds and where these lite weight worlds fall short (see Dusan Writer) and how they can’t realize virtual worlds’ potential as innovative disruptive technnologies that will actually improve the human condition.

Even the the mainstream of the blogosphere can see how retro and limited this new crop of VWs lite are (see PC World’s look at Lively).

I am not arguing that these “stepping stone” browser worlds won’t be something that many people try out. But, like Jonas and Gwyneth Llewelyn, I believe that the destiny of virtual worlds lies elsewhere. I agree with Jonas, the keys that opened the doors for virtual worlds to bring something new, exciting and very beneficial to human communication were sown in Second Life with the “in-world creation tools, that enabled co-creation and a new form of collaboration” - none of these “in ur browser” wannabes are even close to offering this kind of paradigm shifting experience. Though some of them may play a role in introducing a wider audience to a limited sense of the possibilities of avatar interaction.
Why is OpenSim Important?

While Second Life demonstrated most of the key paradigm shifts to social interaction possible through virtual worlds, open source and open standard development, as Linden Lab has acknowledged for a while now, are central to unleashing the full potential of virtual worlds into a scalable, global and world changing phenomena.

A number of interesting open source virtual world projects are out there. But, of all these, OpenSim is beginning to show its got the right stuff to move virtual worlds forward quickly, in a positive direction. Open standards are not arrived at by ivory tower committees. They are worked out on the ground in a process which requires the magic of “rough consensus and running code” (this phrase is drawn from a conversation I had with Mic Bowman, Intel, about interoperability of virtual worlds).

This magic, “rough consensus and running code” is exemplified in the rapidly developing ecosystem committed to growing OpenSim technology - OpenSim provides powerful and fexible software modules for building virtual worlds.

There is a powerful community of amazing diversity working with OpenSIm - from many enthused individuals to contributors from some of the world’s largest corporations, IBM, Intel, and Microsoft (see the many commentaries, here and here, in the blogosphere on the MS dev community entry into OpenSim and for my interview with Kyle Gomboy of the MS dev community and Zain Naboulsi, Microsoft, see here).

And, while Linden Lab do not contribute code directly to OpenSim yet, some of Linden Lab’s top developers are involved in a major an interoperability effort between Second Life and OpenSim. This effort has also been spearheaded by David Levine (avatar Zha Ewry), IBM.

David’s interoperability patch and Linden Lab’s OWG (Open Grid Protocols) will go into Beta on the LL Preview Grid at the end of the month. To become part of this Beta you must join the Gridnauts group in Second Life. The code developed from this interoperability work will eventually be part of the OpenSim trunk.

There is a common misunderstanding about OpenSim. OpenSim is NOT a virtual world, and is certainly not as many in the blogosphere like to suggest a virtual world competing with Second Life. On the contrary as the err “love child” of Second Life, it carries the qualities of Second Life into the future. And Linden Lab’s acknowledgement and support of OpenSim is clear in their interoperability efforts.

Adam Frisby sets the record straight on his blog:

OpenSim is not a virtual world. It’s a piece of software, which if configured in a specific way allows you to run a virtual world. Consider it another way - the Apache Webserver is not a website, but ~50% of the websites online are running Apache.

I have blogged some of the diverse projects OpenSim has spawned including the highly innovative realXtend (see here, here, here and here -my most recent post on reX) and Tribal Net (see here). But Adam includes an excellent list of some of the diverse applications that have been developed on OpenSim and explains the difference between application and platform in this post.

Check out this wonderful slide show of the work some 3rd - 4th grade students are doing with their quests on the Opensim based GreenbushGrid VW.

How to become Involved in the OpenSim Community

Here I am as noobie in OSgrid standing in front of the fountain built by master builder and OpenSim developer, Nebadon Izumi (Michael Cerquoni in RL). Charles Krinke told me: “The fountain behind me was built by Nebadon last September and the day scripts were sufficient to run the particle system, we turned the water on.”

OpenSim is alpha still. But there is an immense pride and excitement to being there a

nd contributing in these ground breaking days. The OpenSim Wiki is the most complete source for information on OpenSim but there is a nice tutorial here on White’s Virtual White blog on how to get your own standalone openSim server up and running in Windows Vista (hat tip to Dusan Writer)

But there are many different ways to become part of the OpenSim effort.

One of the important entry points to the OpenSim development community, other than joining the IRC channels #opensim, #opensim-dev, and #osgrid is to visit and participate in activities in OSGrid (see later in this post for a complete list of the goals of OSGrid).

OSGrid is also the place where developers, content creators, and ordinary users can support the OpenSim effort. Two good times to find the OpenSim community gathered in OSGrid are:

“Test Hour”, “Wright Plaza”, Saturday 1900UTC, Noon PDT, 3PM EDT.

“Office Hour,” Wright Plaza, Tuesday 1900UTC, Noon PDT, 3pm EDT.

OSgrid is the second oldest OpenSim grid. It was created in July, 2007.

The picture opening this post is taken inside the Scriptwerks building, Wright’s Plaza, OSGrid. This room is part of the effort in OSGrid to teach scripting. It is built by Pablo Pharmanaut (avatar name), a pharmacist in Northern California. Pablo has set up a number of demonstrations of scripting including the scripts themselves. The scripts are also on the forum. One of the goals of OSGrid is to encourage folks to copy the scripts and use them to learn how to script.

The picture below shows Wright’s Plaza where office hours are held. OSGrid guru and organizer Charles Krinke (avatar Charles Krinkeb) is showing me a demo of OpenSim’s version of html on a prim, which is implemented differently from the LL version. And on the right is the “grafitti” board written by Justin Clark-Casey that is used to set the agenda at meetings now.

Th first “Office Hour” in OpenSim was on a blank island, no physics, no scripts, no clothes, last August. This blank island is now Wright Plaza, named for Michael Wright, the creator of OpenSim. Stephan Andersson, known as “Lbsa” is honored in the second plaza created.

There are several ways to join the OpenSim effort. And Charles Krinke the tireless and brilliant community organiser for OSgrid pointed out to me there are roles for all who want to get involved as:

The goals of OSGrid are 1) to test OpenSim releases on a daily basis and 2) to build a healthy community.

Charles Krinke (avatar Charles Krinkeb), whom I met first in the OpenSim office hours, began running OSGrid in August with 150 users and a dozen regions. Others were brought in as managers, most notably “Nebadon Izumi”, “Hiro Protagonist”, “Paulie Flomar” and more in the Fall. “We now have 3200 users and nearly 400 regions attached as of early July, 2008,” Charles noted.

In the picture above, Hiro Protagonist (James Stallings in RL) and I are seated in Zaius Plaza, OSGrid (see also Hiro’s blog).
The Goals of OSGrid

Charles Krinke described the Goals of OSGrid in detail to me.

Goal 1: “Testing OpenSim releases”

There are several considerations here from a grid viewpoint. First and foremost is the fact that differing regions on OSGrid run on differing operating systems and with differing configurations. This includes both Windows and Linux servers running regions. Some regions run scripting with the dotnet script engine. Others run with xengine for scripting. Some regions use local assets, some grid assets. Regions running different operating systems and different configurations are right next to each other. Additionally two regions might be adjacent on the grid, but physically on opposite sides of the planet. Some are in colo-farms with fat pipes and some are in homes with modest cable modem connections.

Testing things like avatar appearance editing, script functionality (or lack thereof), region crossings, inventory usage all become important in a heterogeneous grid like this as we use a systems approach to testing and facilitating software development.

It is entirely appropriate to report at bugs found in OpenSim regions on OSGrid particularly if these bugs can be confirmed on at least two regions running different operating systems. To the extent we can identify and replicate with a simple recipe problems in the software, it becomes easier for the core developers in OpenSim to fix these problems. OSGrid provides a fairly rich spectrum of region configurations to allow more bugs to be identified then with a single standalone of even a grid will all identical regions.

Goal 2: “Building more community”

Our “Plaza” regions all honor a different personality in OpenSim history. Each one is a little different. But each serve as seed regions to expand the mainland and folks wishing to connect regions to OSGrid are encouraged to attach to a face or corner of one of the plazas to help expand and fill in the gaps of our mainland. As we expand, there will be new plazas from time to time and all of them will have a unique personality.

All of our plazas run on donated, community servers and the OSGrid control operators administer the servers and encourage community builds, freebie zones, script demonstrations and the like. As time goes on, we establish more “Hours”, which are dedicated times set aside to discuss, learn, teach or demonstrate some aspect of using OpenSim.

Around the plazas are various personal, corporate and university regions. All of these regions are owned by their providers and not by OSGrid. Commercial activies are encouraged by those whose corporations put up regions. Other things such as artist colonies, homesteading areas and the like exist and are encouraged.

It is reasonable for organizations to build additional mainlands elsewhere on the grid. There is no requirement that all regions be near the existing mainland at 20000,20000. After all, OSGrid is intended to develop a diverse, global Metaverse and it certainly seems to be happening.

Folks are encouraged to donate original creations to the various freebie areas for others to get with the “Take Copy” option and use, modify and understand as they wish. Also there are a number of scripts on the forums at for folks to use as they expand their scripting knowledge.

Friday, July 18, 2008

IBM and Linden Lab Interoperability Announcement

IBM and Linden Lab Interoperability Announcement
Tuesday, July 8th, 2008 at 12:01 AM by: Hamilton Linden
This is a historic day for Second Life, and for virtual worlds in general. IBM and Linden Lab have announced that research teams from the two companies successfully teleported avatars from the Second Life Preview Grid into a virtual world running on an OpenSim server, marking the first time an avatar has moved from one virtual world to another. It’s an important first step toward enabling avatars to pass freely between virtual worlds, something we’ve been working toward publicly since the formation of the Architecture Working Group in September 2007. These are still early days, however, so amid all the excitement, we thought it would be helpful to clarify exactly what we’ve done — and what still lies ahead.

Q: What did Linden Lab and IBM accomplish with this experiment?
Researchers from IBM and Linden Lab teleported avatars from the Second Life Preview Grid to an OpenSim virtual world.

Q: Why is that significant?
It marks the first time an avatar has moved from one virtual world to another, an event with implications for the entire virtual world industry. As the name suggests, the Open Grid Protocol used in the project enables interoperability between virtual worlds. With this experiment, we’ve taken a first step toward not just interconnecting Second Life with other virtual worlds, but other virtual worlds with one another. An open standard for interoperability based on the Open Grid Protocol would allow users to cross freely from one world to another, just as they can go from one Web site to another on the Internet today.

Q: Did you make a video of the event?
Yes we did:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

CIGNA Creating a Virtual Health Care Community

CIGNA Creating a Virtual Health Care Community: "CIGNA, a leading health service company, is announcing the development of a virtual health care community. This computer-simulated world is situated on a Second Life® island, where seminars, interactive displays, educational games and virtual health consultations help foster real and sustainable behavior change that improves health.
Developed by Method, a brand experience agency, CIGNA’s virtual community provides 3-D video game-like interactivity that enables people to learn and interact anonymously with like-minded peers in order to positively change the way they live their lives. For example, the newly developed nutrition zone helps participants develop their nutrition knowledge, learn how to make healthier food choices, manage their weight and understand portion sizes and food labels - skills that will enable them to lead healthier, more energetic and productive lives. Stress, physical activity and sleep zones within the community will be developed following an evaluation of people’s experience with the nutrition zone."

CIGNA Creating a Virtual Health Care Community

CIGNA Creating a Virtual Health Care Community: "CIGNA, a leading health service company, is announcing the development of a virtual health care community. This computer-simulated world is situated on a Second Life® island, where seminars, interactive displays, educational games and virtual health consultations help foster real and sustainable behavior change that improves health.
Developed by Method, a brand experience agency, CIGNA’s virtual community provides 3-D video game-like interactivity that enables people to learn and interact anonymously with like-minded peers in order to positively change the way they live their lives. For example, the newly developed nutrition zone helps participants develop their nutrition knowledge, learn how to make healthier food choices, manage their weight and understand portion sizes and food labels - skills that will enable them to lead healthier, more energetic and productive lives. Stress, physical activity and sleep zones within the community will be developed following an evaluation of people’s experience with the nutrition zone."